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2007年度 第1回 政治班ワークショップ

ワシントン大学Center for American Politics and Public Policyセミナーとの共催

2008年2月14日(木) 15:30-17:00

ワシントン大学 Gowen Bldg. 1A



Junko Kato and Hiroko Ide (University of Tokyo) (based on a project by Ikuo Kabashima, Junko Kato, Kenji Kansaku, Hiroshi Kadota, and Hiroko Ide)

"How Does the Electoral Campaign Affect the Choice of Voters?: An fMRI Experiment Using the 1992 U.S. Presidential Campaign"


Abstract: It has been noted that election campaign commercials influence the viewers' political behavior; however, little is known about how the human brain works in such situation. To investigate the neuronal mechanisms underlying it, we asked subjects to see 1992 US presidential campaign video as well as the advertisements of rival commercial products and measured the subjects' brain activities by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Our examination includes comparing the narrative (and/or) visual effects of the electoral campaign advertisements and the product commercials. Results from other neuropolitics fMRI experiments will also be reviewed.




大阪大学社会経済研究所 西條研究室 Tel:06-6879-8582 Mail:secsaijo@gmail.com