No. 393. 滋野 由紀子, 大日 康史,
「育児支援策の結婚・出産・就業に与える影響 保育政策が女性の就業に与える影響」, 岩本 康志 編著, 『社会福祉と家族の経済学』, (東京:東洋経済新報社, 2001), 17-50ページ, 51-70ページ. (Yukiko Shigeno and Yasushi Ohkusa, “The Effect of Childcare Policies on Marriage, Fertility, and Labor Supply,” in Yasushi Iwamoto, ed., Shakaifukushi to Kazoku no Keizaigaku (Economics of Social Welfare and Family) (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Inc., 2001), pp. 17-50. “The Effect of Welfare Policy for Children on Female Labor Supply,” ibid., pp. 51-70.)
No. 392. 大日 康史,
「公的介護保険下の介護事業者の分析」, 『病院管理』, (日本病院管理学会雑誌), 第38巻第4号(通巻153号)(2001年10月), 5(275)-12(282)ページ. (Yasushi Ohkusa, “Provider Behavior of Elderly Care under the Public Insurance for Elderly Care,” Byōin Kanri (Hospital Administration) (Nihon Byōin Kanri Gakkai Zasshi/ Journal of the Japanese Society on Hospital Administration), Vol. 38, No. 4 (October 2001), pp. 5(275)-12(282).
No. 391. 大竹 文雄,
「失職コスト・休暇・労働組合」, 橘木 俊詔, デービッド・ワイズ編, 『[日米比較] 企業行動と労働市場』 (東京:日本経済新聞社, 2001年), 203-229ページ. (Fumio Ohtake, “Unions, Cost of Job Loss, and Vacation,” in Toshiaki Tachibanaki and David A. Wise, eds., “Nichibei Hikaku” Kigyō Kōdō to Rōdō Shijyō (Labor Markets and Fringe Benefit Policies in Japan and the United States) (Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha, 2001), pp. 203-229.)
No. 390. 小原 美紀, 大竹 文雄,
「コンピューター使用が賃金に与える影響」, 『日本労働研究雑誌』, 2001年9月号 ─ 第494号, 16-30ページ. (Miki Kohara and Fumio Ohtake, “The Impacts of Computer Use on Wage Structure,” Nihon Rōdō Kenkyū Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Labour Studies), Vol. 43, No. 9 (No. 494), September 2001, pp. 16-30.)
No. 389. 大竹 文雄, 藤川 恵子,
「日本の整理解雇」, 猪木 武徳・大竹 文雄 編, 『雇用政策の経済分析』 (東京:東京大学出版会, 2001年), 3-28ページ. (Fumio Ohtake and Keiko Fujikawa, “The Adjustment Dismissal in Japan,” Takenori Inoki and Fumio Ohtake, eds., Koyō Seisaku no Keizai Bunseki (An Economic Analysis of Employment Policies in Japan) (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2001), pp. 3-28.)
No. 388. 大竹 文雄, 山鹿 久木,
「定期借家制度と家賃」, 『住宅土地経済』, 2001年夏季号 (通巻第41号) 10-19ページ. (Fumio Ohtake and Hisaki Yamaga, “The Effects of the Fixed Term Tenancy Law on Housing Rent,” Jutaku Tochi Keizai (Quarterly Journal of Housing and Land Economics), No. 41, Summer 200l, pp. 10-19.)
No. 387. 常木 淳,
「法学 対 経済学? ― 「自己責任」を中心として」, 『法学セミナー』2001年9月号 (通巻561号) 52-55ページ. (Atsushi Tsuneki, “Some Remarks on the Conflict of Opinions Between Lawyers and Economists with Regard to the 'Self-Responsibility Principle',” Hōgaku Seminā, No. 561, September 2001, pp. 52-55.)
No. 386. 井伊 雅子, 大日, 康史,
「疾病ごとの医療受診と大衆医薬需要の代替性」, 瀬岡吉彦, 宮本 守 編・著 『医療サービス市場化の論点』, (東京:東洋経済新報社, 2001年) 75-90ページ. (Masako Ii and Yasushi Ohkusa, “Substitutability between Medical Services and Over-the-Counter Drug for Diseases,” in Yoshihiko Seoka and Mamoru Miyamoto eds., Iryō Sābisu Shijōka no Ronten (The Points of Discussion of Marketization for the Medical Services) (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Inc., 2001), pp. 75-90.)
No. 385. 大日 康史,
「高齢者医療における需要の価格弾力性 ガン治療の費用対延命効果における非効率性の測定」, 地域差研究会 編, 『医療費の地域差』, (東京:東洋経済新報社, 2001) 129-140ページ. 189-207ページ, (Yasushi Ohkusa, “An Empirical Estimation for Price Elasticity of Medical Demand in Elders,” in Research Group for Regional Variation of Medical Cost, ed., Iryōhi no Chiikisa (Regional Variation of Medical Cost) (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Inc., 2001), pp. 129-140. Estimation for Inefficiency in Medication for Cancer from the Cost Effectiveness View Point, ibid., pp. 189-207.)
No. 384. Yoshiyasu Ono,
“Multiple Steady States with Unemployment and Exchange-Rate Coordination,” in Sajal Lahiri, ed., Regionalism and Globalization: Theory and Practice (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 305-325.
No. 383. 常木 淳,
「不完備契約理論と解雇規正法理」, 『日本労働研究雑誌』, 46巻, 6号(第491号), 2001年6月号, 18-33ページ. (Atsushi Tsuneki, “Job-Security Regulation from the Viewpoint of the Economic Theory of Incomplete Contracts,” Nihon Rōdō Kenkyū Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Labour Studies), Vol. 43, No. 6 (No. 491), June 2001, pp. 18-33.)
No. 382. 大日 康史,
「腎移植における(潜在的な)需要関数の推定および腎移植の規制による社会厚生上の損失の計測」, 岸本 武利 監修, 瀬岡 吉彦, 仲谷 達也 編集, 『腎移植の医療経済』, (東京:東京医学社, 2001年), 119-146ページ. (Yasushi Ohkusa, “Market Analysis and Welfare Evaluation for Kidney Transplantation,” in Taketoshi Kishimoto, Yoshihiko Seoka and Tatsuya Nakatani eds., Jin Ishoku no Iryō Keizai (Health Economics for Kidney Transplantation) (Tokyo: Tokyo Igakusha, 2001), pp. 119-146.)
No. 381. Sinsuke Ikeda,
“Weakly Non-Separable Preferences and the Harberger-Laursen-Metzler Effects,” Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d;Economique, Vol. 34, No. 1, February / février 2001, pp. 290-307.
No. 380. 大竹 文雄, 山鹿 久木,
「定期借家権制度が家賃に与える影響」, 『日本経済研究』, 第42号, 2001年3月号, 1-20ページ. (Fumio Ohtake and Hisaki Yamaga, “The Impact of the Fixed Term Tenancy Law on Housing Rent,” Nihon Keizai Kenky (JCER Economic Journal), No. 42, March 2001, pp. 1-20.)
No. 379. Atsushi Tsuneki,
“A Partial Rehabilitation of Hotelling’s MC-Pricing Theorem,” International Economic Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 237-244.
No. 378. Shingo Ishiguro and Hideshi Itoh,
“Moral Hazard and Renegotiation with Multiple Agents,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 68, No. 1 (No. 234), January 2001, pp. 1-20.
No. 377. Yasushi Ohkusa,
“An Empirical Examination of the Quit Behavior of Professional Baseball Players in Japan,” Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 80-88.
No. 376. 井伊 雅子, 大日 康史,
「インフルエンザ予防接種の需要分析」, 『日本公衆衛生雑誌』, 第48巻, 第1号, 2001年1月号, 16-27ページ.(Masako Ii and Yasushi Ohkusa, “An Empirical Research for Demand of Influenza Vaccination,” Nihon K sh Eisei Zassi (Japanese Journal of Public Health), Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 16-27.)
No. 375. Charles Yuji Horioka,
“Japan’s Public Pension System in the Twenty-First Century,” in Magnus Blömstrom, Byron Gangnes and Sumner La Croix, eds., Japan’s New Economy: Continuity and Change in the Twenty-First Century (New York:Oxford University Press Inc., 2001), pp. 99-119.
No. 374. Yoshiyasu Ono,
“A Reinterpretation of Chapter 17 of Keynes’s General Theory: Effective Demand Shortage under Dynamic Optimization,” International Economic Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 207-236.
No. 373. Atsushi Tsuneki,
“Potential Welfare Criteria and the Choice of Large Projects,” The Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 51, No. 4, December 2000, pp. 605-609.
No. 372. 常木 淳,
「司法の規制緩和と弁護活動の理念」, 日本法社会学 編, 『司法改革の視点』(法社会学 53号)(東京:東京有斐閣, 2000年), 73-94ページ. (Atsushi Tsuneki, “Judicial Deregulation and the Ideas for the Activities of Lawyers,” in Nihon H shakaigakkai (The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law) eds., Shih Kaikaku no Shiten (Viewpoints on Judicial Reform) (H shakaigaku/The Sociology of Law. No. 53) (Tokyo: Yuhikaku, 2000), pp. 73-94.)
No. 371. 大日 康史,
「介護保険の市場分析」, 『季刊 社会保障研究』, 36巻, 3号, 2000年冬号, 338-352ページ. (Yasushi Ohkusa, “Empirical Analysis to the Market of the Social Insurance for Elderly Care,” Kikan Shakai Hosho Kenkyu (Quarterly of Social Security Research), Vol. 36, No. 3, Winter 2000, pp. 338-352.)