第22回 社研・森口賞 受賞者

森口賞  岸下大樹 / Daiki Kishishita(東京大学経済学研究科博士課程 / Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo)
Contagion of Populist Extremism (with Atsushi Yamagishi)


入選 星紀翔 / Kisho Hoshi(一橋大学経済学研究科修士課程 / Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Medical Schools, Access to Doctors and Health Outcomes: Evidence from "One Prefecture, One Medical School Policy" in Japan
This paper exploits Japan’s “One Prefecture, One Medical School Policy” (OPOMS) of the 1970’s to estimate the effect of greater access to physicians on health outcomes. First of all, Mr. Hoshi did a commendable job of hand collecting much of the data used in this study, which provides a valuable new resource for health economists going forward. This dataset contains information on the location and start-date of newly established medical schools and university hospitals, as well as information on physicians, hospital characteristics, and mortality rates. This information was used to establish that university hospitals, and the subsequent graduation of medical students, have a positive impact on access to physicians. Second, and most importantly, the study establishes that mortality rates for diseases requiring advanced medical treatments – e.g., cancer and stroke - declined within prefectures affected by the OPOMS. Furthermore, this decline is attributable to the supply of newly-minted medical-school graduates, as opposed to the establishment of university hospitals per-se. As these results are very important from both a scientific and policy perspective, we encourage Mr. Hoshi to do more work establishing the precise mechanism(s) through which the OPOMS affected health outcomes. The work so far had gone a long way in establishing an overall effect, but a more granular analysis – for instance: does geographic dispersion and/or average distance to the university hospital affect outcomes? – would strengthen the study’s overall policy impact.


入選 黒石悠介 / Yusuke Kuroishi (Department of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science)
The Role of Trademarks in International Trade: Evidence from Chinese Exporters in the African Tyre Industry
This paper investigates the role of trademarks in international trade. The paper extends a Melitz-type heterogeneous firm trade model by incorporating endogenous trademarks and quality choices. The model yields predictions on the effects of a decreasing foreign trademark costs on firm adjustments via the reallocation channel. The model predictions are tested using Chinese exporters’ data in African tire industry. For identification, the paper uses a difference-in-differences approach by exploiting a quasi-natural experiment that the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) recognized the Madrid Protocol, which induces many African countries to sign trademark agreement and join the WIPO in 2015. The empirical findings show that firms with trademarks have higher export unit price, quantity and revenues. Overall, the topic of the paper is important and the empirical results are interesting. It is important to understand how global intellectual property system affects firm product-quality choice, productivity and export-import decision.


