No. 370. 大竹 文雄,
「90年代の所得格差」, 『日本労働研究雑誌』, 42巻, 7号 (480号), 2000年7号, 2-11ページ. (Fumio Ohtake, “Income Differentials in the 1990s,” Nihon Rōdō Kenky Zasshi (Japanese Jopurnal of Labour Studies), Vol. 42, No. 7 (No. 480), July 2000, pp. 2-11.)
No. 369. Yoshiyasu Ono,
“Japan’s Long-Run Stagnation and Yen Appreciation: A Theoretical Approach,” Wirtschafts Politische Blätter, Jg. 47, Heft. 4, 2000, pp. 418-424.
No. 368. 鈴木 亘, 大日 康史,
「医療需要行動のConjoint Analysis」,『医療と社会』, 10巻, 1号, 2000年5月号, 125-144ページ. Wataru Suzuki and Yasushi Ohkusa, “Conjoint Analysis for the Demand of Health Care related to Common Cold,” Iryō to Shakai (Journal of Health Care and Society), Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2000, pp. 125-144.)
No. 367. Kazuo Ogawa and Kazuyuki Suzuki,
“Uncertainty and Investment: Some Evidence from the Panel Data of Japanese Manufacturing Firms,” The Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 51, No. 2, June 2000. pp. 170-192.
No. 366. 小川 一夫,
「人口構成変化と住宅需要」, 『都市住宅学』, 29号, 2000年春号, 11-16ページ. (Kazuo Ogawa, “A Change in Demographic Composition and Demand for Housing,” Toshi Jutakugaku (Urban Housing Sciences), No. 29, Spring 2000, pp. 11-16.)
No. 365. 赤井 伸郎, 鈴木 亘,
「年金・医療・介護保険債務を考慮した政府のバランスシートと世代間損益計算書」, 『エコノミックス』編集委員会 編著, 『エコノミックス:経済学に基づいて政策分析をするメディア』 3 <2000年 秋>(東京:東洋経済新報社, 2000年10月), 102-115ページ. (Nobuo Akai and Wataru Suzuki, “Calculating the Balance Sheet of Japanese Government and Inter-Generation Pay-Off Accounting,” Ekonomikkusu (Ecnonomics & Policy), 3, Autumn 2000, (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai, Inc. October 2000), pp. 102-115.)
No. 364. Kazuo Ogawa and Kazuyuki Suzuki,
“Demand for Bank Loans and Investment under Borrowing Constraints: A Panel Study of Japanese Firm Data,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2000. pp. 1-21.
No. 363. Kazuo Ogawa and Shin-Ichi Kitasaka,
“Bank Lending in Japan: Its Determinants and Macroeconomic Implications,” in Takeo Hoshi and Hugh Patrick, eds., Crisis and Change in the Japanese Financial System (Boston / Dordrecht / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000), pp. 159-199.
No. 362. 小川 一夫,
「金融政策の波及経路:企業規模別データにもとづく実証分析」, 小佐野 広, 本多 佑三 編著, 『現代の金融と政策』, (郵政研究所研究叢書) (東京:日本評論社, 2000年), 74-110ページ. (Kazuo Ogawa, “Monetary Transmission Mechanism: An Empirical Analysis Based on Japanese Firm Data Classified by Firm Size,” in Hiroshi Osano and Yūzō Honda, eds., Gendai no Kinyu to Seisaku (Modern Finance and Monetary Policy) (Yūsei Kenkyūsho Kenkyū Sōsho/ Research Monograph of the Institute for Posts and Telecommunications Policy) (Tokyo: Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2000), pp. 74-110.)
No. 361. 常木 淳,
「「<富>の帝国」再訪:–リチャード・ポズナーの富最大化基準について–」, 『1999年度 学習院大学経済経営研究所年報』, 13巻, 1999年 12月号, 85-98ページ. (Atsushi Tsuneki, “Wealth’s Empire” Revisited –Richard Posner on the Wealth Maximization Criterion–,” 1999 Nendo Gakushuin Daigaku Keizai Keiei Kenkyūsho Nempō (Gakushuin University Research Institute of Economics and Management Bulletin), No. 13, December 1999, pp. 85-98.)
No. 360. 小原 美紀, チャールズ・ユウジ・ホリオカ,
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No. 359. 鈴木 亘,
「医療保険における世代間不公平と積立金を持つフェアな財政方式への移行」, 『日本経済研究』, 40号, 2000年3月号, 88-104ページ. (Wataru Suzuki, “A Proposal for Removing Intergenerational Inequity from the Japanese Health Insurance System,” Nihon Keizai Kenkyū (JCER Economic Journal), No. 40, March 2000, pp. 88-104.)
No. 358. 浜田 浩児,
「公的年金の報酬比例部分の必要性」, 『国際公共政策研究』, 4巻, 2号, 2000年3月号, 1-20ページ. (Koji Hamada, “Necessity of the Earnings-related Component of the Public Pension,” Kokusai Kōkyō Seisaku Kenkyū (International Public Policy Studies), Vol. 4, No. 2, March 2000, pp. 1-20.)
No. 357. 大竹 文雄, 岡村 和明,
「少年犯罪と労働市場 時系列および都道府県別パネル分析」, 『日本経済研究』, 40号, 2000年3月号, 40-65ページ. (Fumio Ohtake and Kazuaki Okamura, “Juvenile Crimes and the Labor Market: An Analysis Based on Time Series and Prefectural Panel Data,” Nihon Keizai Kenkyū (JCER Economic Journal), No. 40, March 2000, pp. 40-65.)
No. 356. 久我 清, 根津 永二,
「多重共線性問題と一般化された逆行列について」, 『オイコノミカ』, 36巻, 3・4号, 2000年3月号, 1-22ページ. (Kiyoshi Kuga and Eiji Nezu, “On the Multicollinearity Issue and the Generalized Inverse,” Oikonomika, Vol. 36, Nos. 3・4, March 2000, pp. 1-22.)
No. 355. Kazuo Ogawa and Kazuyuki Suzuki,
“Land Value and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Japanese Panel Data,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 1998, pp. 232-249.
No. 354. Kazuo Ogawa and Shin-ichi Kitasaka,
“Market Valuation and the q Theory of Investment,” The Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 50, No. 2, June 1999, pp. 191-211.
No. 353. Kazuo Ogawa,
“Tobin’s Average q and Marginal q under Borrowing Constraints,” Japan Financial Review, No. 25, June 1999, pp. 1-10.
No. 352. 浜田 浩児,
「非営利団体、自治体による社会福祉サービス供給の経済厚生上の意義」, 『生活経済学研究』, 15巻, 2000年2月号, 103-118ページ. (Koji Hamada, “Significance in Welfare of Social Service Supply by NPO and Government,” Seikatsu Keizaigaku Kenkyu (Journal of Personal Finance and Economics), Vol. 15, February 2000, pp. 103-118.)
No. 351. Charle Yuji Horioka, Hideki Fujisaki, Wako Watanabe and Takatsugu Kouno,
“Are Americans More Altruistic than the Japanese? A U.S.–Japan Comparison of Saving and Bequest Motives,”International Economic Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring 2000, pp. 1-31.
No. 350. Yasushi Ohkusa,
“Additional Evidence for the Career Concern Hypothesis with Uncertainty of the Retirement Period – The Case of Professional Baseball Players in Japan,” Applied Economic, Vol. 31, No. 11, November 1999, pp. 1481-1487.
No. 349. 久我 清,
「借地借家法の中立性命題の再検討」, 『住宅土地経済』, 35号, 2000年冬号, 17-27ページ. (Kiyoshi Kuga, “Neutrality of Housing Lease Law Reexamined,” Jutaku Tochi Keizai (Quarterly Journal of Housing and Land Economics ), No. 35, Winter 2000, pp. 17-27.)
No. 348. Charles Yuji Horioka,
“Book Review of Adam S. Posen’s Restoring Japan’s Economic Growth, Institute for International Economics, 1998, pp. xvii, 186,” The Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, December 1999, pp. 1719-1721.