No. 413 . Miki Kohara, Fumio Ohtake and Makoto Saito,
“A Test of the Full Insurance Hypothesis: The Case of Japan,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2002, pp. 335-352.
No. 412 . 常木 淳,
「平等と平等化に関する一考察」, 日本法哲学会 編『情報社会の秩序問題』, (法哲学年報 2001), (東京:有斐閣), 147-157ページ.
(Atsushi Tsuneki, “A Study of Equality and Equalization,” in Nihon Hō Tetsugakkai (The Japan Association of Legal Philosophy) eds., Jōhōshakai no Chitsujo Mondai (Problems of Order in the Information Society) (Hō Tetsugaku Nempō 2001/The Annals of Legal Philosophy 2001) (Tokyo: Yuhikaku), pp. 147-157.)
No. 411 . Masako Ii and Yasushi Ohkusa,
“Should the Coinsurance Rate Be Increased in the Case of the Common Cold? An Analysis Based on an Original Survey,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2002, pp. 353-371.
No. 410 . チャールズ・ユウジ・ホリオカ,
「日本人は利己的か、利他的か、王朝的か」, 『現代経済学の潮流2002』, (東京:東洋経済新報社, 2002), 23-45ページ.
(Charles Yuji Horioka, “Are the Japanese Selfish, Altruistic, or Dynastic?” in Keijiro Ohtsuka, Mikio Nakayama, Shin-ichi Fukuda and Yuzo Honda, eds., Gendai Keizaigaku no Chōryū 2002 (Trends in Contemporary Economics 2002) (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Inc., 2002), pp. 23-45.)
No. 409 . 渡辺 励, 大日 康史,
「社会医療診療行為別調査を用いた人工呼吸器使用期間と医療費への影響に関する分析」, 『日本公衆衛生雑誌』, 第49巻, 第4号, 2002年4月号, 314-323ページ.
(Rei Watanabe and Yasushi Ohkusa, “An Analysis of the Length and Costs of Respirator Use with Observational Data Based on Medical Records,” Nihon Kōshū Eisei Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Public Health), Vol. 49, No. 4, April 2002, pp. 314-323.)
No. 408 . Masako Ii and Yasushi Ohkusa,
“Price Sensitivity of the Demand for Medical Services for Minor Ailments: Econometric Estimates Using Information on Illness and Symptoms,” The Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 53, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 154-166.
No. 407 . 渡辺 励, 大日 康史,
「社会医療診療行為別調査を用いた外来肺炎・気管支炎患者における抗生物質選択に関する研究」, 『病院管理』, (日本病院管理学会雑誌), 第39巻, 第3号(通巻156号)(2002年7月), 5(175)-17(187)ページ.
(Rei Watanabe and Yasushi Ohkusa, “A Comparative Study of Antibiotics Choice for Outpatients’ Pneumonia and Bronchitis Using Surveys of Medical Care in Japan,” Byōin Kanri (Hospital Administration) (Nihon Byōin Kanri Gakkai Zasshi/Journal of the Japanese Society on Hospital Administration), Vol. 39, No. 3 (July 2002), pp. 5 (175)-17 (187).
No. 406 . 大日 康史,
「公的介護保険による実際の介護需要の分析-世帯構造別の推定-」, 『季刊社会保障研究』, 第38巻, 第1号, 2002年夏号, 67-73ページ.
(Yasushi Ohkusa, “An Empirical Analysis of Actual Demand for Care Covered by the Long-term Care Insurance for the Elderly: Estimation for Classified Household Types,” Kikan Shakai Hosho Kenkyu (Quarterly of Social Security Research), Vol. 38, No. 1, Summer 2002, pp. 67-73.)
No. 405 . 大日 康史,
「高齢化の医療費の影響および入院期間の分析」, 『季刊社会保障研究』, 第38巻, 第1号, 2002年夏号, 52-66ページ. (Yasushi Ohkusa, “Aging Effects on Medical Expenditure and Analysis for Duration of Hospitalization,” Kikan Shakai Hosho Kenkyu (Quarterly of Social Security Research), Vol. 38, No. 1, Summer 2002, pp. 52-66.)
No. 404 . Atsushi Tsuneki,
“Shadow-Pricing Interpretation of the Pigovian Rule for the Optimal Provision of Public Goods: A Note,” International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2002, pp. 93-104.
No. 403 . 大竹 文雄, 山鹿 久木,
「定期借家の実証分析」, 『日本不動産学会誌』, 2002年 5月号-第16巻, 1号 (通巻60号), 54-64ページ.
(Fumio Ohtake and Hisaki Yamaga, “An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of the Terminal Tenancy System,” Nihon Fudōsan Gakkaishi (The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences), Vol. 16, No. 1, May 2002, pp. 54-64.)
No. 402 . チャールズ・ユウジ・ホリオカ,
山下 耕治, 西川 雅史, 岩本 志保, 「日本人の遺産動機の重要度・性質・影響について」, 『郵政研究所月報』, 2002年 4月号-第163号, 4-31ページ.
(Charles Yuji Horioka, Kōji Yamashita, Masashi Nishikawa and Shiho Iwamoto, “On the Importance, Nature, and Impact of Bequest Motives in Japan,” Yūsei Kenkyūsho Geppō (Institute for Posts and Telecommunications Policy (IPTP) Monthly Report), No.163, April 2002, pp. 4-31.)
No. 401 . Charles Yuji Horioka,
“Are the Japanese Selfish, Altruistic or Dynastic?” The Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 53, No. 1, March 2002, pp. 26-54.
No. 400 . Kazuo Ogawa,
“Monetary Policy, Credit, and Real Activity: Evidence from the Balance Sheet of Japanese Firms,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2000, pp. 385-407.
No. 399 . 大日 康史,
「貸し渋りと審査機能 貸し渋りとその公的対策の効果」, 三谷直紀, 脇坂 明 編, 『マイクロビジネスの経済分析-中小企業経営者の実態と雇用創出-』, (東京:東京大学出版会, 2002年), 145-160ページ, 161-178ページ.
(Yasushi Ohkusa, “Credit Crunch and Monitoring Activity of Bank,” in Naoki Mitani and Akira Wakisaka, eds., Maikuro Bijinesu no Keizai Bunseki ── Chūshōkigyō Keieisha no Jittai to Koyō Sōshutsu── (The Economic Analysis of Micro-Business: Managers of Small Firms and Job Creation) (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2002), pp. 145-160. Evaluation to Public Policy for Credit Crunch, ibid., pp. 161-178.)
No. 398 . 大竹 文雄, 太田 聰一,
「デフレ下の雇用対策」, 『日本経済研究』, 2002年 3月号-第44号, 22-45ページ
(Fumio Ohtake and Soichi Ohta, “Employment Policies under Deflation,” Nihon Keizai Kenkyū (JCER Economic Journal), No. 44, March 2002, pp. 22-45.)
No. 397 . 本多 智佳, 大日 康史,
「健康状態の自己評価に関する研究:国民生活基礎調査を用いた分析」, 『医療と社会』, 2002年2月号-第11巻, 3号, 19-32ページ.
(Chika Honda and Yasushi Ohkusa, “An Empirical Research for Subjective Health Evaluation using Basic Survey of Living Standards in Japan,” Iryo To Shakai (Journal of Health Care and Society), Vol. 11, No. 3, February 2002, pp. 19-32.)
No. 396 . Masaki Aoyagi,
“Collusion in Dynamic Bertrand Oligopoly with Correlated Private Signals and Communication,” Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 102, No. 1, January 2002, pp. 229-248.
No. 395 . 大日 康史,
「失業給付が再就職先の労働条件に与える影響-Average Treatment Effect によるプログラム評価」, 『日本労働研究雑誌』, 43巻, 12号(第497号), 2001年12月号, 22-32ページ.
(Yasushi Ohkusa, “The Effect of Unemployment Benefits to the New Job Condition: Programme Evaluation by Average Treatment Effect,” Nihon Rōdō Kenkyū Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Labour Studies) Vol. 43, No. 12 (No. 497), December 2001, pp. 22-32.)
No. 394 . Yoshiyasu Ono and Akihisa Shibata,
“Government Spending, Interest Rates and Capital Accumulation in a Two-Sector Model,” Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d’Économique, Vol. 34, No. 4, November / novembre 2001, pp. 903-920.