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Neuro Social Science Workshop

Date Place speaker title
Oct 16, 2008 (Thu)
11:00 〜
Osaka University
room 315
Tatsuhiro Shichijo 
(Osaka Prefecture University)
Evolution of payoff-dependent preferences
Oct 23, 2008 (Thu)
11:00 〜
Osaka University
room 315
Hirokazu Ogawa
(The University of Tokyo)
Implicit processes in attention, preference and decision making
Oct 24, 2008 (Fri)
11:00 〜 

Osaka University
room 315
Takahiro Osumi
(Nagoya University)
Affective Decision-Making and Psychopathy
Oct 30, 2008 (Thu)
12:00 〜
Osaka University
room 315
Keise Izuma
(Narional Institute for Physiological Sciences)
The neural basis of social decision making