No. 625
Why Commercial Banks Held Excess Reserves: The Japanese Experience of the Late '90s,
Kazuo Ogawa,
December 2004
No. 624
An Assessment of Consumption and Income Taxes in Japan,
Charles Yuji Horioka and Shizuka Sekita,
November 2004
No. 623
Economic Stimulus, Pension Reform, and the Consumption Tax, (in Japanese: 「景気対策・年金改革と 消費税」),
Charles Yuji Horioka and Shizuka Sekita,
November 2004
No. 622
Decreasing Marginal Impatience in a Monetary Growth Model,
Ken-Ichi Hirose and Shinsuke Ikeda,
November 2004
No. 621
Signal Qualities, Order of Decisions, and Informational Cascades: Experimental Evidences,
Shunichiro Sasaki,
October 2004
No. 620
Market Efficiency and International Linkage of Stock Prices: An Analysis with High-Frequency Data,
Yoshiro Tsutsui and Kenjiro Hirayama,
October 2004
No. 619
Habit Formation in an Interdependent World Economy,
Shinsuke Ikeda and Ichiro Gombi,
September 2004 Revised July 2008
No. 618
Does a Large Loss of Bank Capital Cause Ever-greening or Flight to Quality?: Evidence from Japan,
Wako Watanabe,
September 2004
No. 617
Prudential Regulation, the Credit Crunch" and the Ineffectiveness of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Japan,"
Wako Watanabe,
September 2004
No. 616
Availability of Firms' Information and their Choice of External Credit: Evidence from the Data of Small Firms,
Wako Watanabe,
September 2004
No. 615
The Rise (and Fall) of Labour Market Programmes: The Role of Global and Domestic Factors,
Noel Gaston and Gulasekaran Rajaguru,
August 2004
No. 614
Stated Beliefs and Play in Normal-Form Games,
Miguel A. Costa-Gomes and Georg Weizsäcker,
August 2004
No. 613
Cognition and Behavior in Two-Person Guessing Games: An Experimental Study,
Miguel A. Costa-Gomes and Vincent P. Crawford,
August 2004
No. 612
Elimination of Competitors: Some Economics of Payment Card Associations,
Koki Arai,
July 2004
No. 611
A Study on the FTC's Opinion of the Three Tenors CDs, (in Japanese:「三大テノール歌手CDの販売協定審決の分析」),
Koki Arai and Yohei Ibata,
July 2004
No. 610
Portfolio Inertia and ε-Contaminations,
Takao Asano,
June 2004
No. 609
Portfolio Inertia under Ambiguity,
Takao Asano,
June 2004
No. 608
The Retirement of the Baby Boom Generation and Japan's Household Saving Rate, (in Japanese: 「団塊世代の退職と日本の家計 貯蓄率」),
Charles Yuji Horioka,
June 2004
No. 607
Debt, R&D Investment and Technological Progress: A Panel Study of Japanese Manufacturing Firms in the 90s,
Kazuo Ogawa,
June 2004
No. 606
Are the Japanese Unique? An Analysis of Consumption and Saving Behavior in Japan,
Charles Yuji Horioka,
June 2004
No. 605
Do the Elderly Dissave in Japan?
Charles Yuji Horioka,
June 2004
No. 604
Corruption and Its Alternatives: A Takeoff Theory of Good Governance,
Evan Osborne,
May 2004
No. 603
Who Supports Redistribution?
Fumio Ohtake and Jun Tomioka,
May 2004
No. 602
Testing the Morale Theory of Nominal Wage Rigidity,
Daiji Kawaguchi and Fumio Ohtake,
April 2004
No. 601
Learning, Liquidity Preference, and Business Cycle,
Ryo Horii and Yoshiyasu Ono,
March 2004
No. 600
Measuring Peer Effects on Youth Smoking Behavior,
Ryo Nakajima,
March 2004 (The Sixth ISER-Moriguchi Prize (2004) Awarded Paper)
No. 599
The Stagnation of Household Consumption in Japan,
Charles Yuji Horioka,
Revised June 2004