No. 728
A Numerical Study on Assessing Sustainable Development with Future Genuine Savings Simulation
Masayuki Sato, Sovannroeun Samreth and Katsunori Yamada
December 2008. Revised July 2009. Secondly revised April 2011. (Originally entitled "A Simple Numerical Study on Sustainable Development with Genuine Saving.)
No. 727
Secure Implementation in Shapley-Scarf Housing Markets
Yuji Fujinaka and Takuma Wakayama
December 2008 Revised February 2009
No. 726
Time Discounting: The Delay Effect and Procrastinating Behavior
Shunichiro Sasaki, Shiyu Xie, Shinsuke Ikeda, Jie Qin and Yoshiro Tsutsui
December 2008
No. 725
Capital Inflow into Developing Economies: A Macroeconomic Study
Soumyen Sikdar
November 2008
No. 724
Labor Relations and Labor Law in Japan
Atsushi Tsuneki and Manabu Matsunaka
November 2008
No. 723
Uniform, Equal Division, and Other Envy-free Rules between the Two
Toyotaka Sakai and Takuma Wakayama
November 2008
No. 722
Local Home Environment Externality is a Source of Indeterminacy
Shiro Kuwahara and Katsunori Yamada
November 2008 Revised July 2009
No. 721
A Bayesian Incentive Compatible Mechanism for Fair Division
Yuji Fujinaka
November 2008
No. 720
Aging, Probability Weighting, and Reference Point Adoption: An Experimental Study
Ayako Suzuki and Koichi Kume
September 2008
No. 719
Why Are Concavity Conditions Not Satisfied in the Cost Function? The Case of Japanese Manufacturing Firms during the Bubble Period
Kazuo Ogawa
January 2454
No. 718
Quotas under Dynamic Bertrand Competition
Kaz Miyagiwa and Yuka Ohno
August 2008
No. 717
Multinationals, Tax Holidays, and Technology Transfer
Kaz Miyagiwa and Yuka Ohno
July 2008
No. 716
The Saving Behavior of the Aged: Literature Survey and New Evidence (in Japanese:「高齢者の貯蓄行動:文献サーベイと最新データからの考察」)
Charles Yuji Horioka and Mari Kan
June 2008
No. 715
Growth, Stagnation and Status Preference
Ryu-ichiro Murota and Yoshiyasu Ono
June 2008
No. 714
Cohabitation and Family Formation in Japan
James M. Raymo, Miho Iwasawa, and Larry Bumpass
June 2008
No. 713
Some Observations on the Constitutional Legitimacy of Economics and Its Applicability to the Legal Policy Analysis (in Japanese:「経済学の憲法適合性と法政策分析への適用可能性に関する考察」)
Atsushi Tsuneki
May 2008
No. 712
Bequest Motives and Parent-Child Relations in Japan: Are the Japanese Selfish, Altruistic, or Dynastic? (in Japanese:「日本における遺産動機と親子関係:日本人は利己的か、利他的か、王朝的か?」)
Charles Yuji Horioka
May 2008
No. 711
Analyzing the Decision to Get Flu Shot: An Empirical Study
Yoshiro Tsutsui, Uri Benzion, Shosh Shahrabani, and Gregory Yom Din
March 2008
No. 710
Collusion in Repeated Procurement Auction: A Study of a Paving Market in Japan
Rieko Ishii
March 2008 (The Tenth ISER-Moriguchi Prize (2008) Awarded Paper)
No. 709
Yardstick Competition to Elicit Private Information: An Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Gas Distribution Industry
Ayako Suzuki
March 2008
No. 708
Minority vs. Majority: An Experimental Study of Standardized Bids
Agnes Pinter and Robert F. Veszteg
March 2008
No. 707
College Admissions and the Role of Information: An Experimental Study
Joana Pais, Agnes Pinter, and Robert F. Veszteg
February 2008
No. 706
Determinacy of Equilibrium under Various Phillips Curves
Yoshiyasu Ono
February 2008