
July 23, 2024 Professor Eduardo Zambrano (California State Polytechnic College) is visiting us from July 23rd to August 2nd, 2024.
July 11, 2024 Professor Li King King (Shenzhen University) is visiting us from July 11th to August 8th, 2024.
July 2, 2024 "An outside individual option increases optimism and facilitates collaboration when groups form flexibly", Nobuyuki Hanaki (co-authored with Ryutaro Mori and Tatsuya Kameda) has been published in Nature Communications.
July 1, 2024 "Informal Incentives and Labor Markets", Takeshi Murooka (co-authored with Matthias Fahn) has been accepted for Economic Journal.
July 1, 2024 Professor Takashi Yamagata (University of York / crossapointment) is visiting us from July 1st to August 19th, 2024.
June 24, 2024 "Credit Default Swap Regulation in Experimental Bond Markets", John Duffy (co-authored with Matthias Weber and Arthur Schram) has been published in European Economic Review.
June 24, 2024 "Public Good Bargaining under Mandatory and Discretionary Rules: Experimental Evidence", John Duffy (co-authored with SunTak Kim) has been published in Experimental Economics.
June 21, 2024 "Heterogeneous Experience and Constant Gain Learning", John Duffy (co-authored with Michael Shin) has been published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
June 14, 2024 Professor Jean-Robert Tyran (University of Vienna) is visiting us from June 14th to 17th, 2024.
June 11, 2024 "Meta-analysis of Empirical Estimates of Loss Aversion", Taisuke Imai (co-authored with Alexander L. Brown, Ferdinand M. Vieider and Colin F. Camerer) has been published in Journal of Economic Literature.
June 3, 2024 Professor Serguey Braguinsky (University of Maryland) is visiting us from June 3rd to July 10th, 2024.
May 29, 2024 "School ICT resources, teachers, and online education: Evidence from school closures in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic", Mirka Zvedelikova (co-authored with Hideo Akabayashi and Shimpei Taguchi) has been accepted for Education Economics.

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Research Highlights

Title Author
July 2024 An outside individual option increases optimism and facilitates collaboration when groups form flexibly (co-authored with Ryutaro Mori and Tatsuya Kameda). Nature Communications. Nobuyuki Hanaki
July 2024 Informal Incentives and Labor Markets (co-authored with Matthias Fahn). Economic Journal. Takeshi Murooka
June 2024 Credit Default Swap Regulation in Experimental Bond Markets co-authored with Matthias Weber and Arthur Schram). European Economic Review. John Duffy
June 2024 Public Good Bargaining under Mandatory and Discretionary Rules: Experimental Evidence (co-authored with SunTak Kim). Experimental Economics. John Duffy
June 2024 Meta-analysis of Empirical Estimates of Loss Aversion (with Alexander L. Brown, Ferdinand M. Vieider and Colin F. Camerer). Journal of Economic Literature. Taisuke Imai
February 2024 Two experiments on trading information goods in a network (co-authored with Yutaka Kayaba, Jun Maekawa, Hitoshi Matsushima), Games and Economic Behavior, forthcoming. Nobuyuki Hanaki
January 2024 Bargaining in the Shadow of Uncertainty (with Marina Agranov and Chloe Tergiman), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming. Hülya Eraslan
November 2023 A Generalized Uzawa Growth Theorem (with Gregory Casey), Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics, forthcoming. Ryo Horii
November 2023 Forecasting returns instead of prices exacerbates financial bubbles(with Cars Hommes Dávid Kopányi, Anita Kopányi-Peuker, Jan Tuinstra), Experimental Economics, forthcoming. Nobuyuki Hanaki
October 2023 Approximate Expected Utility Rationalization (with Federico Echenique and Kota Saito), Journal of the European Economic Association Taisuke Imai
September 2023 Negative tail events, emotions, & risk taking (with Brice Corgnet and Camille Cornand), Economic Journal Nobuyuki Hanaki
July 2023 Revealing priors from posteriors with an application to inflation forecasting in the UK (with Ikefuji, M. and Magnus, J.R.), Econometrics Journal Takashi Yamagata
June 2023 An Experiment on the Nash Program: Comparing Two Strategic Mechanisms Implementing the Shapley Value (with Michela Chessa, Aymeric Lardon and Takashi Yamada), Games and Economic Behavior Nobuyuki Hanaki
May 2023 Wealth Preference and Rational Bubbles (Jean-Baptiste Michau and Matthias Schlegl) European Economic Review Yoshiyasu Ono
March 2023 Incorporating Diagnostic Expectations into the New Keynesian Framework (with Jean-Paul L'Huillier and Sanjay R. Singh) the Review of Economic Studies Donghoon Yoo
March 2023 Multi-object Auction Design Beyond Quasi-linearity: Leading Examples (with Yu Zhou), Games and Economic Behavior Shigehiro Serizawa
March 2023 Structural unemployment, underemployment, and secular stagnation (with Ken-ichi Hashimoto and Matthias Schlegl), Journal of Economic Theory Yoshiyasu Ono
February 2023 Testing for Alpha in Linear Factor Pricing Models with a Large Number of Securities (with M Hashem Pesaran), Journal of Financial Econometrics Takashi Yamagata

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